To become a member of the KIKA hacklab, you need a monthly membership subscription of 20 euros, which is not mandatory for other KIKA visitors. The hacklab has it’s own house rules which compliance is necessary and obligatory.
The membership fee is collected from the 20th to the 27th of the month. The money is spent on renting the space and operating the hacklab.
To pay a membership fee you need the same information as for a donation.
For cash payment you can use PP10 form (money order), and for non-cash payment, PP30 form (transfer order).

- You name, surname and address, or name and address of your company
- This field should be empty
- Unique master citizen number
- Donation for the project KIKA
- Your signature
- Free software Macedonia
st. Zlate Mihajlovski 26, 1000 Skopje - NLB Tutunska Banka
- 210057088340110
- 562
- 1.230 MKD